Mr Lei Wang
Born in 1976 in Guizhou, China
Chinese: Mother tongue
German: fluently
English: fluently
CEO of the Greens Germany GmbH
Chairman of the Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs in Lower Saxony (VFCN e.v.)
Professional experience: Greens Germany GmbH- Since 2011
Founder, CEO.
Since 2012 marketing of the chinese brand Emerail in Germany – to the present the only chinese tea brand in german supermarkets. 2014 received by the chinese prime-minister Li, Keqiang. 2015 establishment of the coffee brand Gauß. 2016 building the consulting division of Greens Germany. Its goal is providing M&A-Consulting for chinese investors and solutions for company succession in germany. |
Technical University Braunschweig – 2009 – 2010
Research assistant
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research – 2008 – 2009
Research assistant
Publication: Serial sectioning and three-dimensional reconstruction of mouse Peyers patch. Micron 39: 767-75. |
Ehrenamt: Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs in Lower Saxony (VFCN e.V.) Since 2015
The association is supportet by the Chinese Consulate General in Hamburg. The aim of the association is to support its members to integrate into the german economy and society, and to attract more chinese investors to Lower Saxony. |
German Coffee Association – Since 2012
Studies: Technical University Braunschweig – 2001 – 2008
Master of Science